The Law Gazette recently reported that some personal injury firms were “in a state of panic” over the government’s demands to clarify their dealings with claims management companies (CMCs).
The Ministry of Justice has ordered approximately 150 CMCs to detail their relationship with law firms, including finances. This is thought to be in response to concern that the ban on referral fees, which came into effect in April this year is being ignored.
Here, at Morrisons Solicitors, we aren’t in a panic. We’re also not in a flap, a bother or a kerfuffle.
Morrisons Solicitors don’t pay referral fees so our clients are safe in the knowledge that we care about them and they are our clients because we have been recommended to them and are trusted by them.
Other personal injury lawyers, who are paying referral fees or ‘marketing fees’ as firm call them to try to dodge the ban, are worried the ministry will share its information with the SRA, which is responsible for policing the referral fee ban.
The SRA said it has a ‘robust working partnership’ with the claims management regulator, with a memorandum of understanding over joint enforcement work.
Penalties for breach of the ban can range from a £2,000 fine to referral to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and revocation of authorisation to practise.
If you would like further information about how we may be able to help you with a personal injury claim please contact us direct on 01737 854 500 or email [email protected] and we would be delighted to speak to you about your claim in person.