Party Wall Notices
News & Insights
Serving notices by email
On 10 March 2016 the Department for Communities and Local Government approved the first amendment to the Party Wall etc. Act since it was...
News & Insights
Bridgland v Earlsmead Estates Limited: unnecessary inconvenience
On 1 July 2015 His Honour Judge Grant handed down judgment in Bridgland v Earlsmead Estates Limited [2015] EWHC B8 (TCC) in which the Tec...
News & Insights
Checking whether a party wall notice is valid
A common problem faced by surveyors is ascertaining whether or not a notice served by or on behalf of a building owner (or more rarely an...
News & Insights
Serving documents under the party wall act
Many disputes between owners, and a large proportion of appeals against Party Wall Awards, are caused by notices and other documents eith...
News & Insights
Party wall notices and joint owners
Tricky situations can arise where there is more than one owner of land or buildings that are subject to the Party Wall Act, as it may not...