Further to our 8 March 2013 blog, Acas has now published its ‘Code of Practice on Settlement Agreements (under Section 111A of the Employment Rights Act 1996)’ together with its response to comments made during the consultation process: Code of Practice on Settlement Agreements
The Code is intended to assist in the understanding of the law and also provide guidance about the negotiation of settlement agreements (which will be inadmissible for unfair dismissal claims only). The Code recommends that employees are allowed to be accompanied to any face to face settlement meetings by a work colleague or trade union representative which may be a concern to employers concerned about confidentiality and such discussions becoming too formal. We have no date as yet for when the new settlement discussion rules will be in force other than sometime this summer.
If you would like any assistance contact a member of the employment team or call us on 01737 854 500 or email [email protected]