Court of protection solicitors

Deputyship Solicitors: Property and Financial Affairs

Protecting and managing the property and financial affairs of someone who lacks capacity is a sensitive issue, let our expert deputyship solicitors help

Deputyship Solicitors

Protecting and managing the property and financial affairs of someone who lacks capacity is a sensitive issue, and sometimes involving a solicitor is important to ensure the individual’s best interests are safeguarded.

How Deputy Solicitors Can Help

Morr & Co's Court of Protection and Private Client teams are experienced in helping individuals and families manage their property, financial and health & welfare affairs of vulnerable adults and young people who lack capacity.

A legal deputyship is the process of appointing a deputy by the Court of Protection to manage the property and affairs of vulnerable adults and young people who lack capacity.

Holly Chantler, a partner who leads our Private Client department, is appointed by the Court of Protection to act as a deputy on behalf of vulnerable people who lack capacity to manage their personal affairs.

As well as acting as a deputy, we are also able to offer advice to other deputies in relation to their role and duties, and we can make applications to the Court of Protection on behalf of individuals who wish to be appointed as a deputy for someone who lacks capacity.

Many of our lawyers within the Court of Protection and Private Client teams are members of the Solicitors for the Elderly, a national organisation providing and promoting comprehensive and independent legal advice for older and vulnerable people, their families and carers.

Holly Chantler

Holly Chantler

Partner, Head of Department

Private Client

Morr & Co provided exceptional service - they went the extra mile for me. They acted throughout with exemplary efficiency and kindness.

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